École Public Wouro Hourso

Students and Teachers

This school serves 804 boys and 682 girls ages 6 to 12: 1,486 students total. The primary reason students drop out is due to lack of facilities that create an uncomfortable learning environment. The students struggle to learn in oversized classrooms and the deplorable condition of the school.

They have 24 teachers, 6 full-time and 18 part-time, causing a student to teacher ratio of 99:1. The teachers’ biggest challenge is crowded classrooms. 

Challenges Faced Everyday

Overcrowded classrooms prevent teachers from fostering a positive learning environment. With many students sitting on the floor, it is difficult for students to remain focused through class and take notes.  

They also have a leaky roof which is another distraction to the school day on rainy days. The rain causes damage to the facilities and to the few school materials they do have. They are already lacking in notebooks, books, backpacks, and other materials to only lose more of them due to the rain.

Together We are Building a Better Tomorrow


Renovation Completed September 2022



5 New Windows



100 New Desks



8 New Doors and a New Roof

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