Northern Cameroon was a originally a French colony while southern Cameroon was a British colony. It officially became one independent nation on October 1st, 1961 now known as Unification Day.
Cameroon is considered to be an “ethnic crossroads” as there are more than 200 different ethnic groups. Life expectancy for both men and women is below the global average leaving two-thirds the population under the age of 30.
Due to a weak and corrupt governance, it ranks 152 out of 180 countries in the 2018 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions index, which prevents development and investment in the country.
The state requires children to attend school only from the ages 6 to 11. Only 53% of children of the right age attend secondary school compared to 85% of primary-aged children in primary school.
The poverty rate has increased by 12% between 2007 and 2014 adding an additional 8.1 million people to poverty out of their 25 million people. In the northern region, 56% of people live in poverty.
Violence broke out in November 2016 due protests to solidify the use of only English in schools and courts in their predominantly English-speaking region. The violence has been targeted at schools forcing many to close.